Sunday 22 January 2012

Owl City - In Christ Alone

Sidney Mohede 'Tiada SepertiMu' (Behind The Scenes/Rehearsal Clip 'Louder Than Life')

Liu Wei - Armless Pianist - China's Got Talent 8-8-2010 [ English Annotations ]

You must clear misunderstandings that happened, but don’t expect too much that others would fully understand and accept it

Tan, Indra (2011)

Ga semua perasaan dalam diri bisa di jelaskan ke orang lain.

Codhielicious (2011)

Even all great changes in the world starts with a small change in us

Tan, Indra (2011)

Not everyone may accept you thoroughly, then why bother pleasing them by not being yourself? #thinksimple

Tan, Indra (2011)

I’m not ashamed of being happy of mere small things. I even learn to be a kid who’s grateful for everything in life

Tan, Indra (2011)

Kasih Tuhan itu tidak bersyarat, tetapi prinsip-prinsip Tuhan itu bersyarat.

Radjaguguk, Alvi (2011)

Doing everything right, noone sees. Doing something wrong, everyone sees… Well, that’s life. So what? :)

Tan, Indra (2011)

Moving on is not moving on if you’re still bound by your past. Just let it go. Got it? LET IT GO

Tan, Indra (2011)

It’s nothing about my ‘feeling’ nor about my pride. Surely I just have to admit it, I hate being bound by worthless bonds.

Tan, Indra (2011)

Helping one who thinks he knows everything is much more complicated than helping who doesn’t know anything

Tan, Indra (2011)

Some bonds are born to lift you up to higher and higher level, yet some are merely distracting you from achieving your own goals. Be wise, pals..

Tan, Indra (2011)

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

2 Corinthians 7:10 (NIV)

If you really have a wonderful life, no need many words to tell people whom you love. Just live and enjoy your life to the fullest. So you can share your happiness, better than through words.

Tan, Indra (2011)

We’re not serving due to our own feeling. Serving Him is about commitment and it is a relationship… When our feeling is fading, we’re still able to serve Him

Tan, Indra (2011)

Sometimes we didn’t realize that we didn’t appreciate or even expelled a person who always supports us, financially, morally and or ESPECIALLY through prayers

Tan, Indra (2011)
Bagai Rajawali (Renungan)

❑ taken ❑ single √ God is writing my love story

Worrying is a space where we’re attacked, so that we ourselves limit God’s workspace in our life

Tan, Indra (2011)

New responsibilities on our back should lift ourselves up to higher level not to the lower. #upgrade

Tan, Indra (2011)

After all those stupidities of mine, I realize that all that I want is just entering and enjoying Your very presence in my life :)

Tan, Indra (2011)

I’m thanking God not for what I can do, but because of His grace that renewed everyday. For the seen and unseen, understandable one and not

Tan, Indra (2011)

If I have time to get pissed, I have time to move

Shogo, Ban ~ Bambino!

One day He told me “Don’t look for another girl, no, not yet for you. For now, just look at Me, I’m the Jealous God

Tan, Indra (2011)

Gelar tanpa logam = Experience

Limanto, Adrian (2011)

Godly Jealousy

Godly Jealousy

Exodus 20:4-5 (New Living Translation)
You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.
You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.
and 2 Corinthians 11:2 (New Living Translation) also talks about the ‘Godly Jealousy’
For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husband—Christ.
Meanwhile in 1 Corinthians 13:4 is said that “Love is not jealous”

We should differ the meaning between these verses
First of all, jealousy may indicate the feeling of someone for what rightfully belongs to him
and jealousy may indicate the feeling of envy (which is always spoken in negative way)
The word ‘Jealous God’ tells us that what belongs to Him should be offered back to Him. No need for Him to envy something from human, because essentially“Everything is His”
Godly Jealousy is something that brings us towards the good passion

You live your own life, you can’t ask people to take decision and then live your life for you (it’s your life) #simpletruth

Tan, Indra (2011)

Kusumpahi kamu, puteri-puteri Yerusalem, demi kijang-kijang atau demi rusa-rusa betina di padang; jangan kamu membangkitkan dan menggerakan cinta sebelum diingininya!

Kidung Agung 3 : 5 - Impian mempelai perempuan. (via hellogeorgeous)
(Source: bonjoursuperbe)

I know you believe God has done great things.
And I know you believe God will do great things.
But I ask you, do you believe God is doing great things right now…today?

Joel Osteen (via soy-amada)

In futsal, the key of winning is how much you enjoy dancing on the field. Keep dancing, friends

Tan, Indra (2011)