Tuesday 18 November 2014

My First Gaming Consoles

Currently I was trapped in the reminiscence of my childhood.
I was checking many types of gaming consoles, based on my memories and the help of Mr. Google, I started to explore these classical consoles.

To start off, my first gaming console (because Prehistorik 2 in my aunty's Windows 95 can't be included for sure) was Sega Genesis Model 2.

Beneran dah, gua punya yang ini

Out of my curiosity, I downloaded some emulators in my laptop, but maybe due to exam's pressures, I re-opened them altogether the memories of my past (apa sih dra). I then came to the knowledge of the existence of gaming consoles that I'm not even familiar with, like Atari.

When I moved to Bandung, I was in Kindergarten at moment. No different from any active kids in common, I often asked my parents to bring me to a mall.
This mall had game center at its top level, if I'm not mistaken it was BIP, Bandung International Plaza (does this building still exist?)
What I can remember is that I played Mighty Morphin Power Ranger side-scrolling action game via an unknown game console (should be SNES).
Ah, and right under the game center, there was this shop that sold figures, mostly Superman.

Game imba, saudara2.
Tapi kudu bayar gara2 maennya di BIP

I guess my dad bought me Sega when I was in Cirebon, during my 1st-2nd year of elementary school because I was so noisy and kept asking him to buy me one game console (I don't know if it happened or not, but considering my behaviour at that time, most probably yes).

There were cool games such as: Toxic Crusaders, Spiderman vs The Kingpin, X-Men 2: Clone Wars, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Fighting Edition (turned out to be pirated version from SNES though).

These games are the ones which made me excited and nervous every time I played. The true suffering was when you spent all your character's lives and you needed to start again from the very beginning, because it did not have a helpful component called 'memory card' (gimana emosi gua ga labil pas kecil dulu?)
Exact appearance of my game cartridge!
I always thought this game was called "Genesis",
until I googled "green man mop sega genesis"

Game seru, tapi ga bisa nge-save bikin frustrasi woyy
Untung sekarang gua udah tau cheats nya, muahaha
Spidey, anyone?

Game yang kalo mo maen selalu maksa dedek buat jadi player 2
(koko macam apa sih ini?)

I'm always late in terms of gaming technology, even when I moved to Palembang, I still played my Sega Genesis. At the time when everyone had Sony PlayStation 1, my Malaysian uncle bought me a NES console, where I played Battle City, Jetman, Super Mario Bros, Hyper Olympic, Circus Charlie, Duck Hunt, etc.
After some time, when Sony PlayStation 2 was booming, only then I finally bought my Sony PSone (itupun dengan pesan sponsor "Chen, dibeliin ini makin rajin belajar ya")

Circus Charlie
Duck Hunt

Super Mario Bros
Hyper Olympic

Battle City (Tank 1990)
Choujin Sentai Jetman

Gaming consoles have improved tremendously, what I once thought as cool games, might be pretty lame if the technologies are to be compared.
Thanks to technology, now we have the incarnations of those legendary gaming consoles, called emulators.
You can check em out on EMUPARADISE.
It's going to be fun to play old games, if you have time (don't blame me if after reading this post you start to play video games too much).


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