Tuesday 16 April 2013

TGIF: Trust! God is Faithful

Hey you, whoever you are, who've been with me as friends in my inner circle for a long time or even recently (especially this year). This is for you!

I can't express how grateful I am to know you guys
Being trusted by you
Sharing our life's stories
Support one another
Watch each others' back
Unite to walk on God's will (Phil 3:10-11 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.)

One more time, thank you for your willingness to share your stories with me.
And as you've always known: I'm a good secret-keeper ;)
Through every process with you, I'm asking more and more of God and His heart
"Not only to accept the past but also to help, support and maintain each others until we win our fights"

Short story, it was not before this year I found my calling and was affirmed about this.
In an instance, God said: "Okay, You've got your part (what you'd been asking for), haven't you? Now it's your turn to help your friends."
And boom! Welcome to One on One, where I learnt to know some people even deeper

Meeting these people, I was like: "Eh, that happened to me? Really? Me? Yesterday? Dia? dan dia? ... ...." (terus berasa dicubit n dibilang: "Sudah, sudah, itu bukan mimpi. Bantu mereka dalam pergumulan2 mereka, temani mereka untuk semakin mengenal Aku")
It  does feel like it is a dream, but it's not.

Another process: There is my one HUGE principle in my whole life, and it was suddenly being turned upside down.
Again, I was like: Aw, mannn.... Aw, mannn... Aw, mannn.... (you can repeat it many times until you're satisfied, haha), I didn't even know what to say anymore at that time.

You know what else even made me speechless? 
In one single day
Morning: I finally learnt to reconcile with my friend's past,
Afternoon-evening: Two different people affirmed my struggling through their different speeches, 
and at Night, I was told: "Now you're able to accept his/her past. Don't be arrogant! Thinking like you're capable enough to accept it. It's not by your might, it's Mine. It's not about you, it's about Me."

(sounds harsh, but I didn't respond it that way, because I know He's teaching me about TOTAL Surrender/Submission to His power)

I don't have any other ulterior motives to pray and support you all (it's never for my purpose, or that I'm a too kind/generous person and stuffs. Should I have that kind of motives, I'd been broken down unto pieces since the very first time we met)
I'm just really longing that we win against our struggle, no matter how TOUGH it is
On the other hand, I'm really really blessed that I learn to walk my life more in total submission to Him, that I need His heart.
Believe it, our sharing session would be long ended if we (I) don't have God's heart.

Not that I've obtained everything about His heart, like what Paul said on Phil 3:12

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Do not give up, pals!
We're destined to be a winner in Christ
Do our part, be faithful in our process, depend solely on Him, leave out the rest to Him :)
TGIF: Trust! God is Faithful

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