Saturday 5 January 2013

My Simple Happiness #2012

Yes, happiness doesn't necessarily have to be complicated
Alright, I think it's gonna be my last post with "2012 review" theme

Soo, these are what (I think) interesting during 2012

1. Getting injured at ISCF Futsal Cup 2012

Sounds silly? hahaha
Ga pernah gua cedera gara2 tanding futsal (ataupun futbol) sebelumnya

One of my injuries, this cool scar remained for 2 weeks haha.

Puji Tuhan, entah tulang tangan kaki gua lumayan kokoh atau gimana, kena sliding pun paling usap2 dikit terus maen lagi
And this time, I got my right ankle sprained and couldn't continue the match

My teammates often got this kind of injuries, Aloy, Andro, Jepe etc etc. Masa gua nggak pernah? hahaha

2. Guitar practise at FGCC Music Clinic

Bersama pelatih Spartan kita, Kak Tama Eka Prasetya Pakpahan
You can see how spartan he is:

"Takluklah kepadaku hai anak2"

Seorang cewek pernah ngomong sama gua kalo setelah ikutan Music Clinic ini, gua semakin bisa maen gitar n keliatan progressnya secara signifikan. Meski dia adek gua juga bilang genjrengan gua sangatlah cupu -_-

I'm truly happy you know, dulunya genjreng2 yang ga sampe selagu udah ga ngerti ini maen apaan, atau maennya C A Minor D Minor ke G pun culun2 (sekarang juga sih), dll dll. Eh sekarang mayan la, bisa nyanyiin reff lagu2 favorit dibarengin maen gitar dengan genjrengan satu arah hahaha

3. Getting to know my teammates in Fresh Ministry

Ipoh Trip
Leni's Farewell
My privilege to have been working together with all of you and it will be another, to work with same and new people in this team for one more period :D

4. Food-testing team

Bersama Ibu Peri, ce Kherina Suryadi yang suka edit2 foto dan selalu memasak makanan2 lezat dan gratis dan enak dan sering dan dan yang lainnya

First time joining the food-testing team :P
We Are Not Alone

Snow Flake, KLCC
Mafia Baru Tobat
5. Mengenal orang2 luar biasa, as one big family in God

Guy's Fresh Com in Sunway
Ga mirip sih tapi yah oke la ya
FGCC Gahul 5 RM 2012
Monash Friends
Pre-Christmas Sunway

Fresh Com partners yang alay (kebangetan) tapi tetep awesome
ISCF Cup 2012 Euphoria
You can see I was wearing #42 jersey and had sprained ankle :P

ISCF Spirit, ISCF Cup 2012 winner + ISCF Full Team
Sg-Trip Team

Ko Budi + Ce Raissa's Wedding Day in Sg

Komsel Gabungan: Tea O' Ice + Rainbow 

Vocal Gathering (like finally) 2012
Akhirnya foto bareng juga sama Nonie haha.
Muka gua ga natural tapi ya sudahlah

FGCC Christmas Celebration 2012 #Luminous

TENGKIIUU for being the BEST part of my life!! 

(Ala Nonie Marshella) :P

Thank you guys, meeting you all is one of the proudest moments in my life and will always be
I am grateful for your presence in my life :D
I am sorry for everything I did wrong

Let your light shine
Let's face our new adventures in 2013
God bless

1 comment:

  1. Eh, abang, dd baru liat yah post yang ini -_-

    Fighting yah :p
